Design Principles

While the intent market place is built to simplify interactions with blockchains, it makes a lot of demands on the design. There are a few high-level goals that Specular believes are intrinsic to any intent fulfillment system:

Intent-centric application development should be easy.

  • Enable commonly used standard tooling for intent-centric application development, off-chain intentpool orchestration with onchain capabilities.

The solver marketplace should have cross-chain access to a common pool of intents from all applications built on top of the protocol.

  • Specular exposes a unified set of constraints with which solvers can collaboratively solve across applications.

Solutions to intent-sets are always executed such that correctly satisfies the included intents.

  • Specular uses meta-transactions and enforces additional consensus rules which guarantee not only the correct EVM state but also intents are always executed such that users' constraints are met.

The highest utility solution proposed by a solver is the solution which is executed.

  • Solvers compete by proposing solutions to intent sets in an auction.

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